You are certainly doing better than me R3. I purchased mine from a guy on the east coast & he had had it in a museum for a couple of years but was supposed to be in very good condition.
When it arrived all was not as it seemed. The switch gear was ordinary at best, the LH fairing was cracked & damaged, the sprockets worn along with the chain, the rear axle spine was twisted as a result of an engine seizure at on stage of its' life, the air box had no air filter in it but a lot of dirt, the instruments didn't work, the throttle, oil pump & clutch cables were bad, the wiring harness in a state of disrepair, no fluids in the radiator, oil tank or gearbox & I haven't got into the motor as yet.
The suspension on both ends needs work as well as both brake systems
It can be sorted out but it will not be the quick tidy up & ride it I thought it was going to be.
It looks as if it was just thrown together an sold out of it's country of origin (where ever that was) to a collector in Australia.
Oh well at least one will be saved from the scrap heap at the end of the day.
If you are going to make a cover for the rear axle not then put me down for one & let me know the cost