Hi John,
I'm back in Athens at the moment for almost a months holiday, arrived on Thursday evening. The first job Friday was to get the Apache back together and ready for the trip to Naxos where I'll be staying most of the time.
I put a servicable chain slipper on (which I had to borrow from my UK based Apache), a recovered seat, a replacement rear brake caliper and the front brake master cylinder which partially siezed last year. Now it has been on the work bench in my garage at Weston since I arrived back last August, in that time I've regularly checked that everything was OK. I made sure that the plunger still moved freely in the bore and it's been fine.
Despite the numerous beer breaks and other interuptions I had the bike back together and the brakes bled by Friday evening, on Saturday morning I rode the bike to the nearest garage, filled up with fuel and topped up the tire pressures. All fine until Saturday afternoon when the front brake master cyliner plunger again started to 'stick' in the bore.
Right, after removal from the bike and taking the plunger out of the cylinder the heat must be causing the aft seal to become so tight in the bore that it leads to sticking/partial siezing. Why this should have suddenly started to happen after being fine for over ten years I can't explain, maybe a rogue seal or maybe the rubber has had too much of the heat?
Plan A - I masked the surfaces of the plunger with aluminium tape and rubbed the seal with scotch brite to reduce the outside diameter! It won't be so tight in the bore then!! I know it's crazy but I've got to try something, can't do another stint with only the back brake.
Plan B is to find a new seal when I get back to the UK.
After much rubbing put it all back together and bled it last evening. I've intentionally left the bike in the sun from 10.00 this morning, it's 14.50 now and so far so good, the plunger still moves freely!
Leaving for the island on Tuesady so got to get it sorted by then,